This is a self portrait of myself that I made my junior year of High school.
This was a still life of my room. that I did the end of my junior in high school
This was a still life that i did the summer in between junior and senior year at the rising star program in savannah Georgia.
This is a blind contour of my friend that I did senior year in High school,
A sketch from my sketchbook.
and other sketch.
A landscape drawing of the sewing room at SCAD!
A photo, I took the summer in btw junior and senior year
A photo I took junior year of my friend Luke
A photo of Atlantic Ave in downtown Boston
More sketches
And More sketches of still lives
another self portrait
Mirrored self portrait
another skectch from my personal sketchbook
Etching done junior year
Outfit done at summer at Rising Star.
Self -portrait that was in the Boston Globe., this was done senior year.